Munit haec et altera vincit

One defends and the other conquers

Thursday, November 25, 2010

November 23rd appointment

I had a visit with the doc on Tuesday. It was pretty uneventful. He admired his job on the healed incision and set me up to get a chest x-ray. The nurse drew blood and I got to pee in a cup.

I was surprised to learn I was able to go straight to the imaging center to get the chest x-ray. As that was being done, I questions the tech about how much coverage the x-ray actually was getting of my chest. She said from the rib cage up. I thought that to be odd since my entire left kidney was not going to be x-rayed as well as my bladder and I'm sure other organs...I thought I would be getting a CAT scan but I'm not a doctor. I call the office next week and find out more.

On another note, I have been working out pretty hard and running a lot. I am coming along well. I have a half marathon trail run in March.

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